The worms in the feces, and the eggs of helminths

The worms in the stool is parasites, which can have an adverse affect on both human body of an adult and a child. But the more they run the risk of infection for all the children, then how, exactly, do they have a weak immunity and a redundant curiosity. Therefore, the worms in the feces or the eggs of parasites, and a lot of times you can find exactly what children.

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I can tell you with certainty, that, for, are, or were, each and every one of us, and therefore, it is necessary to know what kind of damage they can do to a man, and what they look like. It is important to remember that early detection and diagnosis of pests is the key to fast to get rid of them.

Classification of worms that infest people

In the world there are over three hundred worms, which can infect humans. From that starting point, it is possible to single out three of the classes, or 3 groups that are dangerous.

Roundworms, or as it is often called ancilostomídeos

According to the title, hookworm, visually, they seem to round out the rot, the tips are razor-sharp.

  • the guinea-worm — a bright representative of the nematodes. These helminths are similar to those of the shaft, and the females can reach about 40 to 50 cm in length the males are much smaller. The danger of these worms is that they live not only in the intestine, the parasites moved through the guts, surprise, and other internal organs. The dolls have a transparent, almost invisible to the bull. The color of the adult can be pale yellow to red. Eggs of Ascaris are often found in france, however, this does not mean that they may be easy to spot;
  • in the genus meloidogyne, a small worm that shade off-white. Many times, this type of worms is to be found in the stool of an adult or a child. The parasites prefer to be on the right, respectively, and then the eggs, and it stands out here is the same as the one that can let you to correctly diagnose;
  • Trichinella can reach the floor " in length, it is difficult to say, as it appears to be in france, because this type of parasite does not lay eggs. This type of worm is viviparous, and the larvae after hatching are released throughout the body via the blood vessels, covered with a capsule, and die over a couple of years ago;
  • pinworms look like little worms, in length, and up to a half an inch, it has a white-gray color. It is almost impossible to find eggs of the worms of this kind in the feces, because the females crawl out to the outside of the anal opening night and to lay their eggs in the folds of the skin. In rare cases, the worms lay their eggs in your bedding. In fact, all of the adults, and sometimes, they come out with the stool, which is easy to understand, even to the naked eye.

Of the tapeworms, or cestodes

They have the elegant appearance and the like on the tape. The data that the vermin are not permitted to engage only in the body of a human being. The eggs of flat worms in the form of capsules that should be left out of the preparation, to penetrate into the soil or into the water. The larvae needs to be further developed into a fish or an animal.

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  • in a large, cosmopolitan is one of the largest of the worms, which may not be the man. Many times he grows to the size of a giant, for about 15 to 20 feet, the caterpillar curls into a ball to get out of it. The infection occurs only via the products of the fisheries, for example, meat, fish, or even over eggs. Each day, a person, an individual may want to separate for about one million of eggs, that can go along with the fecal matter for the masses. The eggs of the worms that seem to be in france as an oval-shaped capsules with a yellow to reddish brown. Each egg has a bump on one side, and on the other, there is a cap.

Trematodes, or flukes, worms

There are about three thousand of them for this class, but many of them do not afflict the human body. Its main characteristic is the spines and suckers, which they caught inside of the organs, especially the intestines, sucking out the blood. How are the worms in the faeces of this group? They can reach up to eight inches in length, and more often than not, your body is similar to that of a flat sheet, which can be mounted easily to the surface and it remains stationary.

  • the siberian group, or cat fluke —he prefers the parasite is in the cat's body. This is a type of worm has a oblong shape, with a length of more than two inches in height, with a width of about a little more than one millimeter. The eggs of this parasite has already prepared a larva (plural larvae), which, together with the faeces comes out. For the further development of the egg, you must get in the water, like a lake or a river.
  • types of the sole is much more common in the asian countries, as well as being passed on to these scumbags over the fish, crabs and other inhabitants of seas and lakes. These worms prefer to live in the lungs, the eggs can be found in the excreta or saliva of a sick person. Once you get out into the outdoors to need to get in the water and directly on the infection does not occur. The eggs of the lung fluke are red, so is the saliva of the patient, and often has a rusty tint.
  • the liver worms are also a concern in the plan of worms. This is a very dangerous worm, which can affect the health of an hiv-infected person. In order to detect these worms in the feces that is not possible over the course of six months. The eggs end-to-end has an oval shape, this is a great capsule, in which on the one hand there is a snag.

The worms in the stool. photo

It can be observed that the eggs of the worms in the excreta?

If you are asking yourself, as you seem to be worms in the stool of a young child or an adult, but it is very difficult to find them without the lenses of the instrument. In a few cases, you may find that only particles of the deaths of the worms, and live worms, but the eggs of the parasites-of-view, it is almost impossible.

It is for this reason that it is in a lab environment in order to identify the purpose, our experts use a microscope and special dyes. Therefore, it is not expected that you will be able to detect the worms in a young child, or without a visit to the clinic. In theory, the presence of parasites may indicate that some of the symptoms.

The main signals in the presence of the parasite in the human body

In the early stages, it is not possible to determine whether an adult or a child with worms. Even the medical examination and the taking of samples for analysis will not be given an absolute guarantee of the presence of the parasite. The parasites in time, but for the immunity, you can give them to understand that the body is permeated with gatecrash, generally, is by means of a couple of hours or a few days after the time of infection increases, and the temperature, it appears as a rash or irritation on the skin, or the same, it starts with the diarrhea and vomiting. It's just that your immunity, it appears that it tries to fight off the parasites.

The symptoms of a worm infestation, after the defeat of the human body:

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  • discomfort in the abdominal area, you may experience sharp pain, specially after eating food.
  • it often occurs with diarrhea, as well as in the intestine, highlighting the large amount of liquid, in order to get rid of harmful worms;
  • it can occur in small bowel obstruction, chronic constipation will show up after a number of the large overlap of the bowel, and does not to pass through the faecal mass;
  • nausea and vomiting, most often after ingestion of food, especially if she doesn't like worms;
  • allergic reactions usually manifest themselves on the skin, in the form of rashes and itching, if a person is hurt, the skin, the higher risk of the occurrence of a secondary infection;
  • the reduction of the weight, or vice-versa, the increase in obesity. The worms have had a negative impact on the body's metabolism, take in all the nutrients, leaving just one man remains. But to get infected you may lose your appetite, or, on the contrary, he always wants to eat, do not know measures.
  • headaches, irritability, shortness of breath, a lot of times, these appear due to a greater virulence, as well as the substances secreted by the maggots, mixed with the blood of those who are suffering from the nervous system;
  • at room temperature, or even fever, are also associated with intoxication of the organism, and for the adults, many times they die, aggravating the situation.
  • tiredness or chronic fatigue is also a result of the influence of the worms on the nervous system;
  • available as itching near the anal opening, the symptom is many, many times, it manifests itself in the presence of the vermin;
  • a dry cough, and with a higher content of the sputum, where they are the eggs of parasitic worms.

Treatment — how to get rid of the worms in the body of a child or an adult

After the detection of the worms in the stool, the patient will need to go to the hospital, where the medical Parasitology is going to carry out all the tests required and to identify the degree of development of helminthiasis, as well as on the type of worm, which smote with a child or an adult.

  1. First, it would be desirable to relax the parasites, such as, for example, in the diet. It should not be taken a fat, bitter, and sweet. It is recommended to drink this much water, mineral water, an adult, it is not recommended to drink any alcohol for a couple of days prior to the start of the treatment.
  2. Now you will be presented with the main reception to the product, they deliver the person to the parasite.

Are there any other performance enhancing drugs that can be used to combat the worms. For each drug, the active ingredient, it can be different than the affect on the children and adults alike, so before you take it, you must have the appointment with the doctor, and even better, if you own it and will prescribe the treatment after the completion of the examination.

the power of preservation

After taking the drug, there is a strong power of intoxication, which can lead to vomiting, rise of temperature, and even a a fever, specially a child, (a low immunity. A lot of physicians, after taking the medicine to prevent worms recommended to take the activated off-white or charcoal, to meet the needs of one or the other of the sorbent. These medicines to clear the bowel and the organism against the parasites killed, it is not giving you the effect of a poison spread throughout the body.

After the treatment is over, it is recommended to take a course in recovery of worms they slew many of the bodies, and now you need to restore the immunity. In this case, the person is required to receive a vitamin complex, you can drink the juice of carrots, taken to eating more fruit. And, most importantly, in order to be safe from re-infestation by the worms, which can cause more damage to one's immunity after they have recovered.